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Apply for a Grant


Siebert Lutheran Foundation focuses its funding on ministries and projects based in Lutheran churches and organizations that are working to achieve one or more of its funding prioritiesPlease review what we fund (including the areas we strive to support and desired outcomes) before submitting a Letter of Inquiry (LOI).

We invite you to consult with Siebert program staff prior to submitting a Letter of Intent, especially if your organization has not submitted a grant application to Siebert over the past three years or if this is the first time you are submitting a request for a specific program. Please take a moment to check if your project is eligible for Siebert funding before submitting a request for a consultation! 

Grant Cycles

Siebert has two grant cycles per calendar year, which we call Spring and Fall based on when the grant decisions are made. We accept building-related capital requests in both grant cycles, but please note that an organization may only have one active grant per calendar year. If your organization has program/operating needs and a capital need, you may combine them into one request.

Grant Cycle
Letter of Intent (LOI) Due
Grant Application Due
Decision Date
Payout Date*
2024 Fall
05/31/24 (LOI window opens 04/29/24)
End October
End November
2025 Spring
12/06/24 (LOI window opens 10/28/24)
End April
End May
2025 Fall
05/30/25 (LOI window opens 04/28/25)
End October
End November

Please note: Capital amount requested on LOI/Application should not exceed 10% of the project budget.
*Can vary based on payment schedule and grant conditions.

All grant applicants must register as a new user with Siebert's online grant portal. You will answer a series of questions related to your organization and the program or project for which you are seeking funding.

  • Organizations may only have one profile. If you are not sure if a profile exists for your organization, please email us or call 414.269.2832 before creating a new profile.

  • An organization may have more than one user/contact assigned to its profile. Please contact us to add additional users to your organization's profile.

Get step-by-step instructions on how to register as a new user in this ​​Registration Guide.

Grant Process

Siebert Lutheran Foundation follows a two-step grant process for reviewing grant applications in one of Siebert's three funding priorities (this process does not apply to Siebert's Neighborhood Minister, Youth Program, High School Gap Funding, Seminary, or Pastoral Leadership Development grants that are invitation only). 

1. Submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI)

​​Select the grant process from one of Siebert's three funding areas that is most applicable to your program/project and complete a Letter of Inquiry (LOI). Please contact us if you are unsure which funding area your program/project falls into. Preview LOI application questions (PDF) that are applicable to your program/project:

Siebert staff will review your LOI and respond in approximately five business days after the LOI deadline for the grant cycle. You will be informed via email if your LOI is approved or denied with the necessary information for completing a full grant application if approved.

2. Submit a Grant Application

​Preview the grant application questions (PDF) that are applicable to your program/project:

After submitting an application, you will receive an email confirmation and Foundation staff will contact you with follow-up questions and request a site visit or meeting if necessary. After conducting the necessary due diligence, Foundation staff will determine if the grant application will be presented to the Board of Directors. 

The Board of Directors make funding decisions based on the schedule in the table above. ​Foundation staff will advise in writing of the Board's decision regarding your application. If approved, you are required to sign and return the Foundation's Grant Agreement prior to distribution of funds.

Online Application Tips

Start in Word

Draft your grant application in Word first, in order to utilize the built-in spell check function and to also count characters to comply with character/word count limits. After you have completed the application, cut and paste from Word into the online grant application fields. Utilize the grant application question PDFs listed above for the application process that is applicable to your program/project.


​Bookmark the grant application login page or the Siebert Online Grants Portal page.

Save your work

Periodically scroll to the bottom of the screen and click "Save as Draft." If you do not, your information may be lost after a period of inactivity.

Remember to hit "Submit"

Remember to click "Submit" when you are finished!

Outcomes Reporting


After a grant request is approved and funds disbursed, the organization is required to report on progress toward expected results.


A final outcomes report will be required at completion of the project. In some instances, interim reports during the lifetime of the project will also be required. This will be detailed in the terms of the Grant Agreement. These reports are completed in the online grant portal


An organization may only have one active Siebert Lutheran Foundation grant each year. However, in special circumstances, permission may be given to submit a proposal for a new project or program. Follow-up reports must be submitted prior to applying for new funding. 


  • Why is Siebert Lutheran Foundation now working with donors and prospective donors like me?
    We believe greater resources will grow the Kingdom and glorify God and we want to help you increase your impact by leveraging over four decades of grant-making expertise and in-depth knowledge of the Lutheran Church and affiliated ministries . At our core, we cultivate a sense of community, uniting like-minded Christian philanthropists who want to be responsible stewards of God’s financial gifts.
  • What are the benefits of partnering with Siebert (versus what I’m already doing)?
    Siebert brings knowledge, relationships and evaluation capabilities that few, if any, Christian funders can replicate. Since 1976, Siebert has granted $135 million to Lutheran-affiliated organizations, primarily in Wisconsin and affected countless lives for Christ.
  • What is Siebert’s asset level?
    At the end of 2023, Siebert had $118 million in its portfolio. Granting approximately $4 million per year, Siebert has consistently been listed as one of the most active Milwaukee-area foundations.
  • What are Siebert’s priorities?
    Siebert focuses on three important funding priorities: Growing the Body of Christ … by investing in Lutheran leaders, ministries, congregations, and innovative evangelism in Wisconsin. Educating while Sharing the Gospel … by funding high-performing Lutheran-affiliated schools in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities within Milwaukee, Kenosha, Racine, and Waukesha Counties. Serving as the Hands and Feet of Christ … by supporting effective strategies at Lutheran churches and organizations to meet the basic short-term needs of disadvantaged people, and to create pathways toward greater self-sufficiency and empowerment in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities within Milwaukee, Kenosha, Racine, and Waukesha Counties.
  • What kinds of gifts does Siebert accept?
    Aside from cash gifts, you may give from an IRA, give mutual funds or stocks, or give through your will or estate plan. You may also contact us to learn how we can help you give from your Donor Advised Fund directly to a Siebert grantee.
  • What is the minimum gift that Siebert will accept?
    Siebert is focused on growing your Gospel impact, so a donor can offer a gift of any size!
  • What are gifts I can give right now?
    Use appreciated assets - Stocks, bonds, mutual funds - Privately held business interests or partnerships - Appreciated real estate Give a gift and receive an income back with a charitable trust Give part or all of a Required Minimum Distribution from an IRA (directly to a Siebert grantee) Make a Gift from your Donor Advised Fund (directly to a Siebert grantee) Give a pass-through grant to programs and organizations that align with one or more of Siebert’s three Gospel-focused priorities and mission Participate in our innovative Collaborators’ Event: join with others to increase your collective impact.
  • What are gifts I can give through my estate?
    Gifts through a Will Gifts through Contracts—add Siebert as a beneficiary to a life insurance policy or an IRA (or 401(K) or 403(b) plan).


Submit Letters of Inquiry and Grant Applications
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